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Nya gränssnitt till verktyg » Kryptoblog

Nya gränssnitt till verktyg

June 1st, 2008 by Joachim Strömbergson Leave a reply »

Lite sena söndagsdumheter. NÃ¥gra människor med pÃ¥ tok för mycket fritid och bra krativitet har gjort en mashup av gamla spel och sysadminverktyg. Resultatet är…

Gamla Wolfenstein 3D möter Netfilter:


Övervaka trafiken och kontrollera (skjut ner) sessioner du inte gillar. Det finns en film på Youtube som visar Wolfotrack:

En ypperlig kommentar om Wolfotrack:

“With wolfotrack, I look forward new connections. Banning p2p has never been so fun !”

—Pascal Terjan, Mandriva kernel team

Nu är inte Wolfotrack den enda mashup:en av det här slaget. Möt…

(Ett ganska gammalt hack).


I Sysadmindoom är processer mappade till figurer i Doom, och som sysadmin kan du som spelare välja vad du vill göra – exempelvis gör processen kort… Enligt Dennis Chao, skaparen av Sysadmindoom finns det nÃ¥gra fördelar med den här typen av GUI:

  • The machine load is immediately apparent to the player, who can see how crowded a room is. The player can eyeball many machines from a high vantage point and go down to a room that needs maintenance.
  • There is a nice continuum for resource allocation. A user may choose to simply wound processes rather than killing them, which could naturally be translated to renicing them.
  • A new sysadmin can be given less power by providing her with a smaller weapon. A rank beginner may not be given a weapon at all and be forced to attack processes with her bare hands. It would take a foolhardy player to attack a room full of monsters, just as a newbie should not kill a bunch of important processes. A more experienced sysadmin would have time to stop a newbie who is trying to kill the wrong process. The real work could be left to those with the big guns. The truly great sysadmins could have BFGs.
  • Really crowded systems would regulate their own load because monsters occasionally kill each other. Once the population in a room goes down, the monsters will stop attacking each other.
  • Drastic action takes work. In a command line interface, all actions take approximately the same amount of effort. One can ls just as easily as rm -rf *, which is kind of unfortunate. In a cyberspace environment, the players are not omnipotent, so performing large actions takes time and effort.
  • Important processes can be instantiated as more powerful monsters. They can then defend themselves against inexperienced sysadmins.
  • Sysadmins could cooperate or compete. Doom is a natural environment for player-to-player interactions. A team of players can cooperate to take care of a heavily-loaded system, or they can even take out rogue sysadmins who are killing the wrong processes.

Jag är inte säker på om detta verkligen är framtidens gränssnitt, och kanske är inte Star Treks pastellfärgade touchpaneler det heller.

Star Trek

Men det är intressant att det sker (mer eller mindre seriösa) försök att hitta sätt att illustrera nätverkstrafik, processer etc… Och sÃ¥ fÃ¥r man en chans att spela ett gammalt skjutaspel igen.

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